Special ideas for an Easter surprise & tips for Spring cleaning
Special ideas for an Easter surprise & tips for Spring cleaning in the kitchen and in your closet
Are you still looking for a successful Easter surprise and/or do you want to start your Spring cleaning during the Easter holidays?What do you think about giving away one of our buddies instead of chocolate this year? Not only do you give away a very high-quality, durable and stylish product, you also help your loved ones with their spring cleaning.Below you can see our recommendations for our buddies, which are great to hide as an Easter surprise:
Speaking of spring cleaning
The temperatures are rising and the days are getting sunnier: Now is the right time to re-organize and create order to the normal clutter.
With RackBuddy, you design your home in an open and at the same time Scandinavian industrial design - both in your dressing room and in your kitchen.
We'll let your kitchen appear in new splendor and the racks will be an eye-catcher in every home!
So there is new storage space - functional an reinterpreted by everyone - nothing in is in the way:
Your Buddy John, which is available in different sizes and materials, gives the kitchen that certain New York loft flair.
And the Jolene and Paw models are also perfect for storing your kitchen essentials on the wall.Â
Get in the kitchen and go!
Order in the closet
Mit diesen Ordnungstricks setzt du zum Beispiel deine Buddies aus der Silver Collection oder aus der Walk-In Collection besonders gut in Szene:
Of course we also have a few tips for your dressing room and your wardrobe!
With these order tricks you can put your buddies from the Silver Collection or from the Walk-In Collection in the limelight:
1. Make room!
Sort out what you haven't worn in more than two years #clothesdonation
2. Sort by colour
Sort your clothes by colours as it gives a nicer look when looking to your closet and it gives you a better overview.
3. Don't hang your things to tight or close
Make your closet more light, by not adding too much in it and not hanging it too tight.
4. Fold accurately!
Fold your sweaters and knitwear as big as possible, to take special care of those delicate items.