How to spend your time at home

How to spend your time at home

With the recommendations from the Danish authorities and government (and authorities in many countries) regarding the current situation with Covid-19, many people are now looking to spend more time at home and fewer social gatherings than normal.

Many are to work from home or to stay in quarantine, and we wish to give a small help in the form of a guide with tips and tricks as to how our buddies can use their time at home the next couple of weeks. We have added your tips from our stories on Instagram, so this is truly a guide from all of you.

1. Closet clean-up
We might be experts when it comes to wardrobe solutions - But we too find a closet clean-up to be a bit hard to find the time to do. But with more time at home, now is a good time to get started.
In times with increasing focus on sustainability, now is a good excuse to have a look at what items you actually wear and which items could use a new owner. 
There are many platforms to sell your secondhand items, so find your favorite and put your pre-loved treasures up for sale.

Maybe you even see, that your current wardrobe solution or system needs an upgrade to fit your current needs.

2. Get started on a new TV-show
There is so many streaming services available, filled with the newest TV-shows.
With recommendations and restrictions to stay at home, you now have a good excuse to get started on your next favorite TV-show. There is something for everyone, no matter where your look. Among some of your favorites and the best ranked on IMDB is:
Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Peaky Blinders, Westworld, The Crown, Mind Hunter, Suits, Band of Brothers, Breaking Bad, True Detective, Friends & Seinfeld.

3. Get started on the spring cleaning
We know, this is something you would rather postpone until you really have to. But with the extra time, this is something that is nice to get done, especially for those of you, who are to have your home as your office space the next couple of weeks.
When doing this, you are also following one of many recommendations from the health authorities, as they recommend to be aware of the cleaning - both at home and at the office.

4. Try a new recipe
One of the things that is quite rare in a hectic and busy week, is to try out new recipes. This is often both when it comes to baking and when it comes to preparing dinner, as this often take more preparation. Now is a good time to get started on that recipe you've wanted to try out forever and to spoil your household with something a little out of the ordinary.

5. Listen to a podcast or read a book
Are you not completely hooked on the podcast media yet? Now is the time to get started! There are so many possibilities for you to find a favorite, as there is many platforms to listen from and many different topics to pick from. There are many within politics, sports, fashion, true crime and design. A great alternative culd also be an E-book, where you can get started with one of those books, that has ranked high on your bucket list. These days can be great for dusting of your favorite book on your bookshelf or one of the many good-looking coffee table books, that you normally only use for decorating.

6. Try working out at home
With many gyms closed, it's all about getting creative to stay active. One way to do so could be with one of the many online courses offered right now, either Pilates, Yoga or a regular program, with tools you can find at home. Then there's not many excuses to not keep your body moving during these days. 

7. Support your local favorites
There is no doubt, that these weeks are tough on many companies, who is struggling. Give them a helping hand and help them stay open after this crisis. With restrictions not to gather in larger groups, it can be recommended to do take-away or shop online. Show your local favorites a little extra love these days.

8. Make a to-do list
Yet another very practical, but good thing to get done. During these days, it is easier than ever to get things done and to cross off a lot of thing on your to-do list, and the satisfaction when doing so is huge. Especially with those things, that you've wanted done for a long time. 

9. Watch a good movie
Like with the TV-shows, streaming services is filled with so many movies, from new releases to forever classics. Do you have a list on your favorite streaming service or maybe a bucket list, now is the time to go through that list. 
We have collected a few movies that you've recommended and that IMDB has ranked among the best 250 movies:
Pulp Fiction, The Godfather, Forrest Gump, Whiplash, Joker, Taxi Driver, Green Book, Catch Me If You Can, Million Dollar Baby & Captain Fantastic.

10. Take care of each other - and stay at home as much as possible
Most important of all - stay at home as much as you can and spend your time with your loved ones from your household. Take care of each other. 

How RackBuddy is adapting to the current situation regarding Covid-19

As of Thursday the 12th of March, RackBuddy decided to temporarily close down their two physical stores until Friday the 27th of March after recommendations from the Danish authorities and the government to eliminate the risk of contamination of Covid-19.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we put the health of our customers and employees before anything else. We hope for your understanding and our customer service will stille be available to assist you with any inquiry or question you may have at:

Our online shop is open as per usual, and will not be affected by the situation. The delivery time is not expected to be affected. The staff, who is able to work from home, is working from home. Our warehouse staff is working in shifted time slots to eliminate the possibility of contamination, and all staff with the slightest sign of being sick is sent home. We are taking all precautions to secure the safety of our staff and customers at this time.

We will keep you updated with further information if the situation changes, as we follow the Danish authorities and the government's recommendations.