#MyRackBuddy - Leticia from leticianeidl.de

RackBuddy x leticianeidl.de

Leticia from leticianeidl.de has switched out her old IKEA closet with two new RackBuddy clothes racks - a Wild Bill Elliot for her clothes and a Capone for her boyfriend's clothes. These two clothes racks with double rails help her to get a better overview of her clothes as well as to use the space in the best way possible. 

Read more about Leticia's bedroom makeover here. 


RackBuddy Wild Bill Elliot

RackBuddy Capone & make-up corner
RackBuddy Wild Bill Elliot in the bedroom
stable clothes rack made of water pipes - RackBuddy Wild Bill Elliot
Maximise your space - clothes rack by RackBuddy



It would make us very happy, if you showed us how you decorated you RackBuddy! That is why we started a little challenge - if you are lucky, you can win your money back! Read more about the #MyRackBuddy campaign here.Â