The venue Richter

Customized  venue with racks made of waterpipes

I  an old factory building a few kilometers from Copenhagen you'll find Richter  - a very cool venue, which recently was totally renovated. RackBuddy has been in charge of customizing some of the interior with focus on making it as cool, edgy and industrial as possible. 

The old factory building has high ceilings, and in order to utilize that the best way possible, we have customized meters of wall-mountered racks of waterpibes right next to the entrance. Not only does the long racks give a lot of storage space for all the guest's outerwear and at the same time making it extremely easy and overskueligt for Richters personale at manøvrere rundt og find the æsternes frakker og jakker efter en endt koncert. 

The waterpipes makes the venue looks tilfører spillestedet en helt unik atmosfære, which suits in perfectly with the rest of the minimalistic interior.

Look how cool the venue turned out!

Customized racks - RackBuddy

Customized racks with hangers - RackBuddyWaterpies - RackBuddyThe venue Richter - RackBuddyWaterpipes  - RackBuddy