Miss Corner - Boutique in Frederiksberg

RackBuddy x Miss Corner

Last September, a new boutique was added to Frederiksberg's long list of unique shops - in close proximity to the RackBuddy Showroom. The raw brick walls and the high ceiling at Miss Corner's location fit perfectly with our industrial style clothes racks, hooks and shelves. 

In collaboration with Hanne, the boutique's owner, we have tried to make the most out of the space: extra high clothes racks with wooden shelves were customised to perfectly it into each room. The high clothes racks make it possible to hang long dresses and coats, whereas the shelves work as a spot to store some clothes or decoration. 

Miss Corner Frederiksberg
Einrichtung von Miss Corner
RackBuddy Jolene
Kleiderständer nach Maß & RackBuddy Jolene
Platz für Dekoration über der Kleiderstange
RackBuddy Holly Kleiderstange

Ladeneinrichtung in Frederiksberg

Next to the custom-made clothes racks, we have also used a RackBuddy Jolene for displaying pants, as well as a RackBuddy Holly, Bonnie and Ringo to be able to switch up the layout of the store once in a while. John shelves create a space for different stacks of jeans and shirts. 
Kleiderständer mit Holzregal
RackBuddy Dalton
Spezial-angefertigter Kleiderständer mit Kiefernholz-Regal
RackBuddy Pin bei Miss Corner
RackBuddy John Regale

RackBuddy Dalton

Miss Corners cashier desk is another example for custom-made boutique  interior. Hanne herself has build up a commode, but was missing a matching table top. We therefore made a table top in the design of One Funky Furniture in exactly the measurements Hanne needed and attached it to the drawers. On the front and sides of the cashier desk, we used the KABEcopenhagen colored filler in Cold Steel in order to create a concrete look.   

Tischplatte aus recycletem Holz für Kassentisch
EInrichtung mit Kleiderständern in Frederiksberg  
Einrichtung im Gammel KongevejAnprobekabine - Miss Corner Frederiksberg

The combination out of raw materials, the light rooms and the feminine details is giving life to the boutique and creating an exciting atmosphere. 
All details are right at Miss Corner - it is definitely a store worth visiting. You can find it at the heart of Frederiksberg, on Gammel Kongevej 82!