Behov Pizza

Behov Pizza

At Rentemestervej 94 at Copenhagen's Nordvest quarter, you can find one of the best Pizzas in town. But Behov doesn't only have good food, it also has a very cozy interior - mostly made by RackBuddy!

We delivered the tables with pipe-design table legs, the benches, the bar, clothes rails and other accessories. Everything is kept in an industrial style and matching perfectly with the raw brick walls. 

You can see some impressions of Behov's cool interior below. 

Bar Design by RackBuddy at Behov Pizza

RackBuddy Holly and custom-made tables for Behov Pizzeria at Nordvest

Behov Pizza - interior design by RackBuddy

Restaurant interior by RackBuddy - industrial design made in Denmark

Bar tables attached to the wall - industrial design - iron & wood

Behov Pizza at Copenhagen Nordvest

Eat Pizza in the sun at Behov in Copenhagen