DIY clothing rack by RackBuddy- From your first idea to a fully customized clothing rack

RackBuddy: Design. Build. Make it Yours. - But how does "Design" actually work?

Have you ever wondered how the process of a customized DIY RackBuddy actually works? Based on a real case that was taken over by one of our founders Lasse, we're going to show you how the process works - from first idea, to a draft and conception, ending with the full result! We sincerely care about treating every request personally and individually. Our mission is to create a RackBuddy that fully suits your needs and visions. We're supporting you during each step - whether it's about the design or the stability of the clothing rack of your dreams. We'll tell you what's possible and what's not!

Step 1: First idea

Usually we get contacted by our customers via email ( The customer that we're presenting here sent us a picture of his room to show us where the clothing rack made of waterpipes is supposed to go. He also sent us a plan and the measures of his room to fully give us an insight into his space. Here's how the customer described his first vision:  

"My idea is that what we design together will go where the closet is right now. I'm open to all of your ideas, but I think that's where the clothing rack would go best. I also need space for my shoes - either on the floor or in boxes above. I would like everything to be hanging openly." 


Step 2: First draft

Inspired by our RackBuddy Wild Bill Elliot made of black waterpipes, the customer sent us a first sketch of his dream clothing rack. This is essential to the process and really important to us, because we can now tell you whether your idea can be realized and if we can optimize it even further. Here, the customer wanted to add shelves to the Wild Bill Elliot for more storage:



Step 3: Finetuning

The next step included determining the exact measures and the color of the wooden shelves. As it is only possible to produce shelves up to 200 cm width, the total width of this design was limited to this measure. The part made of black waterpipes was thus agreed on to be 180 cm, so that the wooden top shelf closes the design on both ends. Here, it is especially important to mention that it is unfortunately not possible to guarantee exact measures, because it always depends on how far you screw in the waterpipes. That's why there might be a difference of +/- 2 cm in what was agreed on for the measures.


Step 4: Order

After having finished the conception, we will send you a link via e-mail through which you can complete your custom order. You will be able to provide us with your delivery address as well as your payment details (encrypted, of course) just like during our regular check-out process. Once your customized DIY RackBuddy leaves our warehouse, you will receive a message with a tracking link for your order. 

Customized clothing rack made of waterpipes - RackBuddy


Step 5: Installation

This customer lives in Esbjerg, Denmark, where our warehouse is also located. That's why RackBuddy stopped by personally to install the beautiful clothing rack made of black waterpipes. But of course, we'll guide you through the installation and send you instructions beforehand, so that it's going to be super easy for you to build it yourself! 

 Regal aus dunkler Eiche aus Wasserrohren - DIY Kleiderständer von RackBuddy


Do you have any further questions on our DIY RackBuddy clothing racks or do you already have a project in mind? 

Please don't hesitate to contact us via any time. Together, we'll realize all of your closet dreams!