Are you going to a flea market this summer?

Take a solid RackBuddy clothes rack with you to the flea market!

It is high-season for flea markets where a lot of people get rid of the old clothes they are not wearing anymore - and thereby make some space in their closets. Are you one of those who sorted out some old garments you don't like anymore?

We would like to help you to experience a successful flea market day. A lot of clothes racks are rather unstable and fall apart, as soon as there is a little bit of wind or too many clothes on them. Therefore, we chose three of our robust clothes racks for you that you could take to the flea market with you this year.... and maybe also next year.


RackBuddy Bonnie
Bonnie Kleiderständer aus Wasserrohren - stabiler Kleiderständer von RackBuddy

Kleiderständer mit Haken für Taschen, Schals oder andere Accessoires. 

RackBuddy Ringo

Ringo Kleiderständer auf Rollen - Industrielles Design von RackBuddy
Clothes rack on wheels that allows you to easily move things around. 

RackBuddy Clyde

RackBuddy Clyde: clothes rack made out of water pipes
Clothes rack with shelf for shoes, bags, books and more.Â